CNSUK is a UK’s research activities are not-for-profit and the organisation is proud of its volunteerism in accomplishing both large and small initiatives in advancing knowledge about Nepalis and actively disseminating them in order to help policies and practices affecting Nepali communities. In order to scale up our efforts, we work with other organisations on partnership and collaboration principle. Our collaborators include: local communities, universities, community based organisation, non-governmental organisations, international organisations and donor agencies various leaders and individuals. Our major collaborators include:
Academic Collaborators
Britain Nepal Academic Council (BNAC)

CNSUK has representation in the BNAC along with some leading UK universities. CNSUK’s Advisor Prof David Gellner and CNSUK Ex-Executive Director Dr Krishna Adhikari are the current President and General Secretary of the BNAC.

CNSUK collaborated with Institute of Social and Cultural Anthrologoy, University of Oxford for Vernacular Religion: Varieties of Religiosity in the Nepali Diaspora (2009-12).

CNSUK and the University of Southampton jointly worked in developing the health and statistics related questionnaires and shared results as a part of the CNSUK’s large scale survey ‘Nepali living in the UK 2008’.
Non Government Organisations
Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research
CNSUK and Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research are working together on Limbu’s Kipat studies in Eastern Nepal since 2012. For this ongoing project a joint field research was held in December 2012 and January 2013.
Nepal Institute of Health Sciences, Kathmandu
Nepal Institute of Health Sciences in Kathmandu and CNSUK worked together in identifying the Nepalis health issues and lapses in related researches to understand and formulate the questionnaires for the Nepalis living in the UK survey 2008.
Nepal South Asia Centre, Kathmandu
CNSUK and Nepal South Asia Centre (NSAC), Kathmandu are working together since 2013 on various academic activities. The NSAC was instrumental in launching the Gurkha Pension Report 2013 in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Government Agencies

Surrey-Heath Borough Council was supported by CNSUK for The ‘Nepal Connections Exhibition’ project 2012′. The aim of the project was to welcome and involve the recently migrated Nepali community in the exhibition and community activities.
CNSUK and Rushmoor Borough Council are working together in promoting knowledge on newcomers i.e Nepali Diaspora, in the process of social integration since 2006.
Office for National Statistics

CNSUK shared its large scale survey, ‘Nepali Living in the UK 2008’ with the Office of National Statistics to feed in to UK Census 2011. Further to it, CNSUK voluntarily coordinated and educated newly migrated Nepali communities throughout the Nepali centred population areas in the UK, jointly with the ONS staff for the Census 2011.
The Embassy of Nepal UK and CNSUK have been working together in to the academic issues related to Nepali diaspora in the UK and have jointly shared the programmes and platforms for the benefit of Nepali population since 2006. Embassy of Nepal UK had keenly supported the ‘Nepali Living in the UK 2008’ project.
Community Collaborator
Non-Resident Nepali Association UK

Non-Resident Nepalese Association UK and CNSUK jointly worked to realise the Nepalis in the UK project 2008. Other joint activities include: UK Census 2011 awareness programme; and, Nepal study day 2012 held in Reading.