Current Projects

Media Survey

Federation of Nepali Journalists, UK Chapter (FNJ-UK) has joined forces with the CNSUK to undertake Media Survey 2014 with Nepali community residing in the UK. The survey enquired about preference and taste of Nepali community on types and contents of media they use in the UK. The survey covered print media, online media (including social media), TV and Radio programmes, both in Nepali and English languages. Dr Krishna Adhikari, Senior Researcher of CNSUK, has provided expert advice and technical guidance in carrying out the study. The survey has already been completed and preliminary findings were reported at the annual conference

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Limbus’ Kipat and Realities: An Analysis

The ancestral Limbu federal kingdom is known as Limbuwan which spans from the Arun River in Nepal to Sikkim in the east. The federal kingdom of Limbus was converted into a Kipat by Prithivi Narayan Shah during the treaty with 10 Limbu kings, which Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah and his Panchayat regime abolished by implementing the Land (Reform) Act, 1964. Limbuwan activists have a strong assumption that the Shah Regime converted their kingdom into a Kipat and Brahmins and Chhetris captured their Kipat land by using various tricks and this is one of the contentious issues in the Limbuwan. Furthermore,

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Journal of the Global Nepali Diaspora

CNSUK is in the process of launching a Journal of the Global Nepali Diaspora. The first issue will be a special issue on Gurkhas and will be published online in June 2016. (The inaugural issue, possible themes may include: (1) The history of Gurkha recruitment and its effects in Nepal; (2) Tripartite Agreement (TPA) 1947 and its relevance; (3) British Gurkhas’ Campaign of equal rights; (4) British Gurkha migration, social integration, and mobility in the UK; (5) Indian Gurkhas and their role within the Nepali diaspora in India and elsewhere in Asia; and (6) Recruiting process in the British and Indian Gurkhas;

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Environmental Awareness

Awareness and Attitude towards Environmentally Friendly Food among South Asian Communities in Britain (2015 – 2017)  Little is known about the way environmental messages in the food products are communicated among different ethnic groups of people. In this context, the study focuses upon the broader aspects that include environmental awareness, public environmental knowledge, people’s understandings towards healthy lifestyle and socio-cultural identity in terms of their interest and taste in food selection among South Asian communities in the UK. This project investigates the ways in which different ethnic and cultural backgrounds including ethnicity, religion and community may have impact upon their

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Migration and Social Mobility

This study is funded by the Big Lottery Fund (BLF). This is built on CNSUK’s large scale research project 2007 – 2010. The project officially commenced on 18 June 2015 and will complete on 17 June 2016. The study aims to explore social mobility patterns of the Nepali ethnic minority community in England as standard sociological studies of class dynamics and social mobility tend to exclude many small yet growing ethnic minority communities. The Nepali community is a new, yet one of the fastest growing ethnic minority groups in England. There has been an exponential rise in their numbers in the UK between the

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