
Directory 2010
Directory 2010 of Nepali (Individuals, Business and Organisations) in the UKPublished by: CNSUK Published date: 1 January 2010 Price: Publication support £2.00 plus postage charges In the past decade, the number of people of Nepalese origin in the UK has increased significantly for various reasons, mainly thanks to the newly won resettlement rights of Ex-British Gurkhas in the UK. Similarly, other major Nepalese groups in UK are highly skilled migrants, work permit holders,

Directory 2011
Directory 2011 of Nepali (Individuals, Business & Organisations) in the UK The directory was published following the success of Telephone Directory and Year Planner 2010. This year the Directory was expanded on coverage and details including telephone, fax, email and website details of business and community organisations. Similarly, Individual’s telephone list was sorted geographically. Dr Raju Babu Shrestha coordinated the task whereas Mrs Ranju Hajur Panday provided administrative services. Statement: In the past

Directory – 2015
Centre for Nepal Studies UK (CNSUK)’s latest publication, ‘Directory 2015 of Nepali (Individuals, Businesses and Organisations) in the UK’, was released here at a function by Professor Surya Subedi, OBE. The directory was released in a gathering organised by Non-Resident Nepali Association (NRNA) UK to network PhD-holder Nepalis in the UK for their mutual benefits as well as to discuss the best ways that they could utilise their knowledge and