Dr Krishna Adhikari

Founder | Research Lead | Coordinator Nepal Dialogue UK Series | Convenor- Motilal Singh Master’s Dissertation Scholarship

Selected recent publications

2019  Adhikari, K.P (ed.)(with Laksamba, C.K., Dhakal, L.D, and Gellner, D.G.) (in press). ब्रिटिस गोर्खा निवृत्तिभरणसम्बन्धी नीतिहरू र भूतपूर्व गोर्खा अभियान: एक समीक्षा (नेपाली अनूदित संस्करणअङ्ग्रेजी प्रकाशनपश्चात विकसित घटनाक्रमको थप समीक्षासहित) [Nepalis in the United Kingdom: An Overview, Nepali translation with updated review of the activities after the publication of the English report]. Reading: Centre for Nepal Studies UK.

2019   Adhikari, K.P. (forthcoming).  Status and challenges of induced community mobilisation in Nepal: A study from agency’s perspectives (2004), with update in 2019. Kathmandu: Rural Self-reliance Development Centre.

2019   Adhikari, K.P. (with Gellner, D.N, and Nepali, G.) (forthcoming). Dalits in school curriculum in Nepal: Research outcomes, suggested curriculum framework, guidance for teaching caste-relations, and collection of model lessons on reference materials. Kathmandu: XXX

2019   Adhikari, K.P. (in press). Nepalis’ Multi-dimensional Religious Practices: A Brief Analysis (in Nepali), in D. N. Gellner (ed.). Vernacular Religion: Cultural Politics, Community Belonging, and Personal Practice in the UKs Nepali Diaspora. Kathmandu: Vajra Books and Centre for Nepal Studies UK.

2019  Adhikari, K.P. (with Gellner, D.N., Hausner, S. L., and Laksamba, C.K.), (in press).  Shrines and Identities in Britain’s Nepali Diaspora, in D. N. Gellner (ed.). Vernacular Religion: Cultural Politics, Community Belonging, and Personal Practice in the UKs Nepali Diaspora. Kathmandu: Vajra Books and Centre for Nepal Studies UK.

2018  Interview/case study. Vernacular Religion:  Varieties of  Religiosity in the  Nepali Diaspora, A collaboration between Centre for Nepal Studies UK and the University of Oxford (Case study report by Common Cause Research, looking at the partnership between Centre for Nepal Studies UK, and Oxford University). PDF (1028 kb) can be downloaded in this link:


2018 Media (Vedio 7.30 m.). Common Cause Research: Vernacular Religion. (Interview with Krishna P. Adhikari and David Gellner, looking at the partnership between Centre for Nepal Studies UK, and Oxford University). 

2018 Adhikari, K.P. Britain-Nepal Relations: Migration, Citizenship and New Actors. In. I. Adhikari, ed. Nepal UK Dipolomatic Relations: Bicentenary Anniversary Celebrations, pp. 78-103. Kathmandu: Institute of Foreign Affairs.  

2018 Adhikari, K.P. (with Sapkota, B.). Fiji Nepalis: Reviving Lost Connections for Over a Century.  In D.N. Gellner and S.L. Hausner, eds. Global Nepalis: Religion and Culture in a New Diaspora, pp. 138-59 Delhi: Oxford University Press.

2018 Adhikari, K.P. (with Laksamba, C. K.). Counting Ourselves: CNSUK’s Survey of Nepalis in the UK 2008. In D.N. Gellner and S.L. Hausner, eds.  Global Nepalis: Religion and Culture in a New Diaspora, pp. 303–31. Delhi: Oxford University Press.

2018 Adhikari, K.P. (with Gelner, D.N.).‘The NRN (Non-Resident Nepali) Movement’ in D.N. Gellner & S.L. Hausner, eds., Global Nepalis: Religion, Culture, and Community in a New and Old Diaspora, pp. 437–66. Delhi: OUP.

2018 Adhikari, K.P. The First Nepali in England: Motilal Singh and PM Jang Bahadur Rana. European Bulletin of

Himalayan Research  50/51, pp. 58-76.

2018  Adhikari, K.P. (with Dahal, G.R, and Thwaites, T). Forest Tenure in Nepal: Trend, Implications and Future Options. Community forestry in Nepal: adapting to a changing world  Edited by Rik Thwaites, Robert Fisher, Mohan Poudel. London: Routledge., pp 108-26

2017 Adhikari, K.P. (B.K., A.B. & Gellner, D.N.). Introduction to the Pariyar Community of Annapurna Rural Municipality Wards 1, 2 and 3 (formerly Dhikurpokhari VDC), Kaski, with Genealogical Charts. Pokhara: Pariyar Introduction and Vamshavali Publishing (ad-hoc) Committee.    

2017 Adhikari, K.P. (B.K., A.B. & Gellner, D.N.). Introduction to the Bishwakarma Community of Annapurna Rural Municipality Wards 1, 2 and 3 (formerly Dhikurpokhari VDC), Kaski, with Genealogical Charts. Pokhara: Bishwakarma Introduction and Vamshavali Publishing (ad-hoc) Committee.  

2017 Adhikari, K.P. (B.K., A.B. & Gellner, D.N.). Introduction to the MIjar Community of Annapurna Rural Municipality Wards 1, 2 and 3 (formerly Dhikurpokhari VDC), Kaski, with Genealogical Charts. Pokhara: Mijar Introduction and Vamshavali Publishing (ad-hoc) Committee.  

2016 Adhikar, K.P (wih Laksamba, C.K., and Dhakal, L.P.). Social Mobility of Nepalisi n the UK: A Case Study of Nepali Migration in Fairfax Road Farnborough. Britain Nepal Society Journal. 40. pp 26-31.

2016  Adhikari, K.P. (with  Laksamba, C.K., and Dhakal, L.P.). Fairly Dynamic: A Case Study of Nepali Migration in Fairfax Road, Farnborough. NRN Voice, (December 2016), pp. 86-90.

2016  Adhikari, K.P. (with Gellner, D.N., Hausner. S.L, and Laksamba, C.K.)  “Shrines and Identities in Britain’s Nepali Diaspora,” Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies, 19 (1 (2010)), pp. 116–146.  

2016 Adhikari, K.P. Blog.A Nepali in Victorian England- Motilal Singh: soldier, crossing sweeper, chronicler. http://migrationmuseum.org/a-nepali-in-victorian-england/ (16/11/2016).

2016 Adhikari, K.P. (With Laksamba, C.L.) Defeating the UndefeatedThe Kathmandu Post. (24 Oct 2016)

2016 Adhikari, K.P. (with Gellner D.N.). Ancestor Worship and Sacrifice: Debates over Bahun-Chhetri kul puja in Nepal. In D. N. Gellner, S.N. Hausner, and C. Letizia, Eds.  Religion, Secularism, and Ethnicity in Contemporary Nepal. Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp. 226-261.

2016 Adhikari, K.P.  Vidhyalayama Bhasanbaji: Anutpadak Sanskritiko Punarutpadan [Reproduction of unproductive culture through excessive lecturing at formal functions in schools]Shikshak (Centenary Issue, Srawan 2073 VS). www.teacher.org.np

2016 Adhikari, K.P. (with Gellner D.N.).  New Identity Politics and the 2012 Collapse of Nepal’s Constituent Assembly: When the dominant becomes ‘other’Modern Asian Studies 50(40) PP. 2009-2040.  available on CJO2016. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0026749X15000438

2015 Adhikari, K.P. Rural Development Policies, CBOs and their Sustainability In Nepal. In A. Adhikari and G.P. Dahal, (with K. Subedi, I. Mahat, and B. Regmi) Eds. Sustainable Livelihood Systems in Nepal: Policies, Practices and Prospects. Kathmandu: IUCN and CFFN. pp: 237-263

2015 Adhikari, K.P.. 2072 Saalko Bhuinchalo, Bhogai ra Anubhuti: Paradesh ra swodesh. Nirupan [In Nepali] (Occasional Publication of Nepal Intellectual Council, Kaski). Special Issue 1 (Nov 2015).PP 134-144. (The 2015 Earthquake, experience and perception; In abroad and in Nepal.). 

2015 Adhikari, K.P. A Non-Gurkha’s Account of Gurkha Campaigns for Equal RightsYuva Awahan. 5(5) pp 16-26.

2015  Adhikari, K.P. (23-29 June). CNSUK’s School Support Mission to Nuwakot: A Day’s Note.  Europeko Nepali Patra 9(47)pp 17.

2014 Adhikari, K.P. (with Hausner, S.L) (2014). BNAC Nepal Study Day, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Oxford, 24-25 April 2014. European Bulletin of Himalayan Research. 44:97-98

2014 Adhikari, K.P. (with Laksamba, C.K.) (2 Feb). British bigotry: The UK government should acknowledge its unfair treatment of the Gurkhas and compensate for itKathmandu Post. 

2013  Adhikari, K.P.  Genealogy of Adhikari Families Originating from Serachaur, Kaski, with Family Directory (in Process). Dhikurpokhari: Adhikari Kul Service Foundation [In Nepali]

2013  Adhikari K.P. The Multi-dimensional Religious Practices of Nepalis: A Brief AnalysisDiaspora Journalism. 1(1). [In Nepali]

2013  Adhikari K.P. (with Laksamba, C.K,  Dhakal, L.P. and Gellner, D.N.) British Gurkha Pension Policies and Ex-Gurkha Campaigns: A Review.  Reading: Centre for Nepal Studies UK

2013 Adhikari K.P. (22-28 Jan). Census Results: Demographic Confusions and Surprises. Europeko Nepali Patra Weekly. (333:16) 

2013 Adhikari K.P. (29 Jan-4 Feb). Census Results: Adjusting Estimated Nepali Population in the UK. Europeko Nepali Patra Weekly. (334:16) 

2013  Adhikari, K.P. Exaggerations and Politics of Nepali Population in the UK.  In Adhikari, T. and C. Kanel (eds) Our Services Souvenir. London: Gulmi Jilla Society UK. [in Nepali]

2013  Adhikari, K.P. The Mysterious Life of Motilal Singh as the First Nepali in England, and his Historical Publications (with Translation). Reading: Centre for Nepal Studies UK. [in Nepali]

2012. Adhikari, K. P. (Ed.) Nepalis in the United Kingdom: An OverviewReading: Centre for Nepal Studies UK

2012. Adhikari, K. P.  ‘Introduction’ In K.P. Adhikari (ed.) Nepalis in the United Kingdom: An Overview, pp. 1-23. Reading: CNSUK.

2012. Adhikari, K. P.  ‘Social Organization and Integration’ In K.P. Adhikari (ed.) Nepalis in the United Kingdom: An Overview,  Reading: CNSUK, pp. 24-53.

2012. Adhikari, K. P. (with Dahal, G.P. Dahal; Shrestha, R.B., & Bhandari, A.). ‘Demography’ In K.P. Adhikari (ed.) Nepalis in the United Kingdom: An Overview, pp. 123–50. Reading: CNSUK.

2012. Adhikari, K. P. (with Gellner, D.N). ‘Conclusions: Pathways to Integration’ In K.P. Adhikari (ed.) Nepalis in the United Kingdom: An Overview, pp. 123–50. Reading: CNSUK.

2012 Adhikari, K.P. (with Dahal, G.R.). South Asia Forest Tenure AssessmentEnvironment and Climate Series 2011/3. HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation Nepal.

2012 Adhikari, K.P. 2012. Entangled by Affection for the Motherland: The Nepali Community in the UK. Global Nepali (NRNA) 10(Mar–May): 9. [Nepali]

2012 Adhikari, K.P. (2012). The 10thBNAC Nepal Study Day. European Bulletin of Himalayan Research40: 104-6

2011 Adhikari, K.P. (2011). Why should we write ‘NEPALI’ in 2011 UK Census?Articles (www.cnsuk.org.uk)

2011 Adhikari, K.P. 2011 (Feb 2–8). ‘A Minister’s Letter on Nepalis in Rushmoor: An Attempt for Genuine Help or A Recipe for Social Disharmony?’ Europeko Nepali Patra 240: 16 

2010 Adhikari, K. P. (with Goldey, P.A). Social Capital and its ‘Downside’: The Impact on Sustainability of Induced Community Based Organizations in Nepal. World Development, Vol. 38 (2).

2010 Adhikari, K. P. State of Integration of Nepalis is in the UK: Looking from the Prisms of Social Capital. Diaspora, Vol 3(1). NDFUK [Nepali].

2010 Adhikari, K.P. 2010. ‘Nepalese in the UK: A Glimpse’ Motherland. CAT, UK [Nepali] 

2008 Adhikari, K.P. (with Dahal, G.R.). Social Capital and Collective Action: The Case of Kalahan Forest Reserve in the Philippines. Collective Action and Property Rights (CAPRi) Working Paper 79. Washington, DC: IFPRI.

2008 Adhikari, K.P. (with Dahal, G.R.)Trends and Impact of Forest Tenure Reforms in Asia: Cases from India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Nepal and the Philippines. Forest and Livelihood Journal Vol.7 (1): 19-26.

2008  Adhikari, K.P. (2008) Travel To The USA: An ExperienceOutlook Nepal (online)

2007  Adhikari, K.P. (18 September 2008).  Too Late: Too CostlyOutlook Nepal (online).

2007 Adhikari, K.P. (with Risal, R.). Securing the Future? An Exploration of Prevalence and Sustainability of Community Based Institutions in Nepal. ISTR Conference VolumeV. California: ISTR.

2007 Adhikari, K.P. (with Basnet, S.R.). Do Development Interventions Empower Rural Women? Women Empowerment through Income Generating Programmes in Nepal. Journal of Global Management Research, December 2007.

2007 Adhikari, K.P. 2007. Exploring the dynamics of social capital in the sustainability of induced community-based organisations in Nepal. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of Reading, UK.

2006 Adhikari, K. P. (2006). A Research Note on Status and Challenges of Institutionalization of Community Mobilization for Development in Nepal: Mobilizing Agency’s Perspectives. Swabalamban for Liberation from Deprivation. March: 69-72. [Nepali]

2006 Adhikari, K. P. (21 Feb. 2006)  Moriarty, Maoist and the Nepal Conflict. Nepalnews.com (Guest Column) 

2006 Adhikari, K. P. (13 Apr. 2006).  In Support of Democracy: Lets Salute the People in the Street! United We Blog for Democracy and Peace.

2006 Adhikari, K. P. (16 Apr. 2016).  Election as the Part of Regressive Roadmap. Nepalnews.com (Guest Column).

2005 Adhikari, K. P. (12 Oct. 2016)   Empty Rhetoric of Good GovernanceNepalipost.com

2004 Adhikari, K. P. (2004). Sustainability of Community Based Organizations in Nepal: An Analysis from Agency’s Perspectives. Swabalamban for Liberation from Deprivation. December: 76-80.  [Nepali]

1999 Adhikari, K. P. (1999). Marchwar Swabalamban Program: A Historical Achievement. Swabalamban for Liberation from Deprivation. 1(1):32-38. [Nepali]

1996 Adhikari, K.P. (1995, 23 June). Serachaurka Krishakko Mehant Herna Belyatka Mantri Aaye. [British minister came to see the hard work of farmers of Serachaur].Deurali Weekly Rural Newspaper 2(11)


2019 (With David Gellner). ‘Cooperatives and Cohesion: Exploring the role of cooperatives as grassroots civil society organizations in Nepal’, BNAC 17th Nepal Study Days (Nepal Conference), 15-16, April 2019. Edinburgh.  

2019 ‘Researching Social Life: Dalits in School Curriculum in Nepal’ Open University, Kathmandu (5 April 2019 at Open University, Kathmandu; 18 January 2019 at Martin Chautari on slightly modifed headings).

2018 Plenary Keynote: ‘Understanding the Nepali Diaspora and Connectivity for Welfare both Inside and Outside Nepal’, First NRN Knowledge Convention, organised by the Non-Resident Nepali Association and Government of Nepal, 12-14 October 2018. 

2018 Lecture on: ‘Rediscovering a ‘Forgotten’ Nepali Diaspora in Fiji. Department of History and Culture, Prithvi Narayan Campus Pokhara, Tribhuvan Univeisty. 3 July 2019.

2017 (With Sapkota, B.) Fiji Nepalis: Reviving connections lost for over a century, BNAC 15th NSDs, University of Bournemouth, 12-13 April 2017. 

2017  (With Laksamba, C. and Dhakal, L.P.). Navigating between two cultures: Nepali youth in the UK. BNAC 15th NSDs, University of Bournemouth, 12-13 April 2017. 

2017 (with Gellner D.N.) International Labour Migration from Nepal and Changing Caste-based Institutions and Inter-caste Relations. International Conference On Circuits Of Labour, Obligation, And Debt: International Labour Migrants, their Families, and the ‘Migration Industry’ in NepalUniversity of Oxford, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology13-14 March 2017

2016   (With Gellner D.N.) The NRN Movement and the Question of Citizenship.  Symposium Nepal on the Move: Conflict, Migration and Stability, Kathmandu 16-17 March 2016.

2016   The First Nepali in England: Motilal Singh and PM Jang Bahadur Rana. BNAC Bicentenary Workshop on Britain-Nepal Relations, SOAS London, 23 March 2016

2016    (With Gellner D.N.). Taking Bourdieu to Nepal: Adapting Distinction to a South Asian Context. BNAC’s 14th Nepal Study Days, Liverpool John Moore University, Liverpool UK, 14-15 April 2016.

2016     (With Laksamba, C.K., Dhakal, L.P.). Which direction are we going? Social Mobility of Nepali Community in the UK: A Case Study of Fairfax Road Farnborough, UK.  BNAC’s 14th Nepal Study Days, Liverpool John Moore University, Liverpool UK, 14-15 April 2016.

2016     (With Gellner D.N.). Taking Bourdieu to Nepal: Adapting Distinction to a South Asian Context. British Sociological Association, Bourdieu Study Group Annual Conference 2016, University of Bristol, UK, 4-6 July 2016.

2016  (With Gellner D.N.). From Zamindars and Dacoits to Co-ops and Democratization: Marchawar since the 1970s. Dynamic Borderlands: Livelihoods, Communities and Flows 5th Conference of the Asian Borderlands Research Network Social Science Baha Kathmandu, Nepal 12-14 December, 2016.

2016  Altruism and Selfishness. Reflection of Some Experiences on Nepal’s Earthquakes Responses from Abroad and In Nepal. Nepali Anthropology: Second Annual Conference 2016 (Earthquake, Post-disaster Reconstruction and the State in Nepal.  Tribhuvan University, Centre Department of Anthropology, Kathmandu Nepal, 16-18 December 2016.

Current / recent research projects: 

Principal researcher (Co-I) of ESRC IAA GCRF NGO Secondary Data Funding – KE Fellowships on ‘Social Mobilisation, Cooperatives, and Development: Co-Managing RSDC’s Unused Secondary Data’, Oxford University (2018-19).

Principal researcher (Co-I) of the John Fell Funed reseach on ‘Coopratives and Cohesion: How Local Civil Society Contributes to Democratic Institutions, the Case of Nepal’. Oxford University (2018-19).

Principal researcher (Co-I) of the HEFCE-GCRF funed research project, ‘Dalits in School Curriculum in Nepal (Tackling Dalit Structural Disadvantage through Nepal’s Educational Curriculum)’ (Oxford University, 2018)

Co-investigator of ESRC funded project Caste, Class, and Culture: Changing Bahun and Dalit Identities in Nepal” (2014-2018), Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Oxford. 

Academic Concept, Advice, and Support to Big Lottery funded project “Ethnic Minority Social Mobility: A Case Study of Recent Migrants from Nepal” (2015-2016), Centre for Nepal Studies UK.

Technical/Academic Advisor. “Media Survey 2014  with Nepali Community in the UK.”  Federation of Nepali Journalists< UK Chapter. (Full reporting and publication of the Survey undergoing)

Coordination of Scholarships:

Founder and co-ordinator: CNSUK’s Motilal Singh Master’s Dissertation Scholarship  (Since 2016)

BNAC PhD Dissertation Prize 2018 (On-going)



Bhola Nath Adhikari, on Cultural Practices of Natural Resource Management: A Case Study of Buddhist Community in Hills RegionLumbini Buddhist University, Nepal (On-going)


Ms Shruti Shrestha, on British Gurkhas on Migration: Ageing and Mental Health’, at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Master’s Programme in Social Work, Tribhuvan (completed)

Research projects:

I have directed and supervised several people with Master’s, MPhil and PhD degrees and others with such degree for a verity of research projects. Recently I recruited, trained, managed and directly supervised over 45 people for the 3C projects. These included UK university student(s) doing fieldwork in Nepal. In current ESRC IAA GCRF NGO Secondary Data Funding – KE Fellowships, five university graduates (MSc Social Statistics) were recruited, trained and supervised.

Guest lecture / professorship

Open Univesity, Kathmandu, Nepal. General Lecture, and Guidance and supervision workshop for 7 MPhil Students on designing research proposal and designs (April 2019) 

Tribhuvan University, PN Campus, Pokhara. (Lecture July 2018) 

Lumbini Buddhist University, Nepal. (PhD Supervision, on going). 


Research Committee, TU, Machhaputchhre Education Campus. 

Organiser/Convenor (or member of an organising team) of events :

Organiser  DFID-Nepal and BNAC engagement on ‘Reflection and Discussion on Country Development Diagnostic (CDD)Nepal’. University of Edinburgh, 17, April 2019. http://bnac.ac.uk/bnacnews/nsd-edinburgh-2019/

Convener: National Workshop on ‘Cooperatives, Solidarity and Democratic Practices: Roles of Cooperatives at Local Level in Nepal‘, 31 March 2019, Kathmandu Nepal 

Convenor of panel on Dalits and other stigmatized groups: imagining changed lives and livelihoods at the Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and the Common Wealth, 18-21 September 2018. organised at the University of Oxford. 

Convenor of Curriculum Policy Workshops (Lumle 11 July 2018, and Kathmandu 20 July 2018, Nepal): Dalits in School Curriculum in Nepal (with Samata Foundation, Annapurna Rural Municipality, Kaski, and National Curriculum Development Department, Nepal). 

Convened (with David Gellner) three dissemination and feedback workshops on Caste, Class and Culture : 15 Dec. 2017 (Dhikurpokhari), 16 Dec. 2017 Pokhara (with Tribhuvan University, Department of Sociology, PN Campus Pokhara), 20 Dec 2017 (with NGOs: RSDC and Samata Foundation, Kathmandu).

Convenor of panel on Dalits in Changing Society, in The Annual Kathmandu Conference on Nepal and the Himalaya 2017. 26-28 July 2017, Kathmandu. Social Science Baha, Kathmandu

Convenor, Departmental seminar, Trinity Terms, School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography (SAME), University of Oxford. 

2012 onwards, annuallyBNAC’s  Nepal Study Days, (2012 Reading (convenor), 2014 Oxford (convenor), 2015 SOAS, 2016 Liverpool John Moore, 2017 Bournemouth, 2018 Durham, 2019 Edinburgh.

2014 onwards, Member of Organising Committee, Annually: The Annual Kathmandu Conference on Nepal and the Himalaya, Kathmandu Nepal (Co-organised with  Social Science Baha, Kathmandu, Association for Nepal and Himalayan StudiesBritain-Nepal Academic CouncilCentre for Himalayan Studies-CNRS & Nepal Academic Network (Japan)

Interaction Programme on 200 Years of Nepal-Britain Relations. 16 March 2016 (Co-organised with the Embassy of Nepal and FNJ UK).  

International Conference on Ciruits of Labour, Obligation and Debt: International Labour Migrants, their Families, and the ‘Migration Industry’ in Nepal University of Oxford, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology13-14 March 2017 (co-convened with Ina Zarcovich, and Bandita Sinjapati)

BNAC Bicentenary (international) Workshop and Public Lecture on Britain-Nepal Relations, 23 March 2016. SOAS, London. (with David Gellner).