Call for Articles
Journal of the Global Nepali Diaspora
Special Issue: Gurkhas
This project is on hold.
We are calling for submission of papers for the inaugural issue of the Journal of the Global Nepali Diaspora.
Possible themes:
The history of Gurkha recruitment and its effects in Nepal Tripartite Agreement (TPA) 1947 and its relevance British Gurkhas’ campaigns for equal rights British Gurkha migration, social integration and mobility in the UK Indian Gurkhas and their role in the Nepali diaspora in India and elsewhere in Asia Recruitment process for British and Indian Gurkhas: challenges and perspectives
Word limit: 9000 words (including references)
Deadline: 31 October 2017
The guidelines for authors are in the ‘Instructions for Authors’ section. If you have any questions, please contact with editors at: It would be appreciated if you would share this information with your colleagues and associates. Thank you
Name of the Journal: Journal of the Global Nepali Diaspora
Publisher: CNSUK
Publication Frequency: 1 issue per year
Journal of the Global Nepali Diaspora aims to provide a forum for debate on issues such as: Nepali Diaspora; community cohesion; population and migration; social mobility; labour market; health; education; gender; religion and culture; conflicts; Gurkhas, international development; and, the environment.
Practitioners and researchers in Nepal and South Asian studies, diaspora and migration, sociology and anthropology of ethnic minorities, and associated issues of health, education, gender, religion, conflict, international development, and the environment.
Peer Review Policy
Editors will initially screen all papers to determine whether they fall within the scope of Journal of the Global Nepali Diaspora. All papers will then be subjected to rigorous peer review by at least two anonymous expert reviewers.
Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science Publications
CNSUK will make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the papers published in Journal of the Global Nepali Diaspora. However, any views expressed are those of the authors and are not the views of the CNSUK.
When submitting a paper to the Journal of the Global Nepali Diaspora (JGND or the Journal hereinafter) please read the guidelines properly. Failure to follow the guidelines may result in your paper being delayed or rejected. The Journal takes all manuscripts as the property and copyright of the submitting author(s) and that copyright will transfer automatically to the publisher if the paper is accepted. The Journal considers a manuscript submitted is strictly for publication only in the Journal (JGND) and that the paper has not been published, is not under consideration for publication and is not in press elsewhere. All papers should be submitted electronically. In addition, detailed guidelines to be followed by the authors are as follows.
Title page
This page must contain the following information:
the title of the paper,
the name of the author(s),
address (including email address),
word length,
date of submission, and
in the case of more than one author, please indicate the corresponding author.
Must be clear and concise, and not more than150 words
Key words: five
Journal of the Global Nepali Diaspora is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes papers from different viewpoints using different disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches related to Nepal and Nepali Diaspora. As such, no specific format for papers is prescribed. But all papers should provide details of the methodology used, as appropriate. Arguments should be substantiated and supported, and authors should acknowledge appropriately other work in the field.
Journal of the Global Nepali Diaspora uses British English spelling.
All authors are asked to take account diverse potential audiences.
Clearly explain all terms, and avoid the use of terms that might be meaningful only locally or nationally.
All acronyms should be spelt out the first time they are introduced in the text or references. Thereafter, the acronym should be used if appropriate, e.g. “Centre for Nepal Studies United Kingdom (CNSUK) is an organisation registered in England and Wales under the Companies Act 2006. The CNSUK is founded and run by a team of high-level professionals and the organisation benefits from a range of skills and experiences of well-established university professors, who act as the advisors of CNSUK.
Length: Papers should be no longer than 9000 words including footnotes and references.
Font: Times New Roman, size 12.
Numbers one to nine should be written out and higher numbers expressed in figures.
Footnotes should be placed as endnotes following the last page of the text. Footnotes to the text should be limited as much as possible and must be numbered consecutively. The corresponding reference numbers must be clearly indicated in the text e.g. ‘The 1951, 1990 and the current (2008) political change'[1]
References should be cited in the text according to the Harvard style.
Following are examples of the proper reference style of various sources:
Bourdieu, P. and Passeron, J. (1977) Reproduction in Education, Society and Culture. London and Beverly Hills: SAGE Publications.
Dahal, D. R. (1996) Impact of Globalization in Nepal: Trade Union Perspective. In: M. K. Dahal (ed). Impact of Globalization in Nepal. Kathmandu: Nepal Foundation for Advanced Studies (NEFAS), 103 – 123.
Foucault, M. (1969) Archaeology of Knowledge, (trans. by A. M. Sheridan Smith 1972). London: Tavistock Publication Limited.
Hausner, S. (2007) Pashupatinath at the End of the Hindu State. Studies in Nepali History and Society, 12(1),119-40.
World Bank (2002) Education for the Knowledge Economy: The World Bank. Available from: for the knowledge Economy write-up.pdf. (Accessed on 30 December 2014)
The author is mainly responsible to ensure that references are correct. All references should be carefully cross-checked.
[1] People of Nepal abolished 104 years old Rana oligarchy in 1951, autocratic Partyless political system in 1990 and 237 years old monarchy in 2008 and established the Federal Republic of Nepal in 2008.
Acknowledgements (if any) – any acknowledgements authors wish to make should be uploaded as a separate document.
Dr Chandra Laksamba
Editorial Board
Dr Chandra Laksamba, Centre for Nepal Studies UK (CNSUK)
Dr Krishna Adhikari, CNSUK/University of Oxford, UK
Mr Lokendra Dhakal, CNSUK
Dr Sangita Shrestha, CNSUK/University of Surrey
Dr Fraser Sugden, CNSUK/International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Nepal
Review Editors
Dr Govinda Dahal, CNSUK/University of Ottawa, Canada
Dr Ganga Dahal, CNSUK
Book Review Editor
Mr Lekhnath Pathak PhD Candidate, University of Hyderabad, India/Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Editorial Advisory Board
Professor David Gellner, University of Oxford, UK
Professor Tanka B. Subba, Vice Chancellor, Sikkim University, India
Professor Sondra Hausner, University of Oxford, UK
Professor John Holford, University of Nottingham, UK
Professor Sabu Padmadas, University of Southampton, UK
Professor Govinda Raj Bhattarai, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Dr Bishnu Raj Upreti, Nepal Centre for Contemporary Research (NCCR), Nepal