Case study on CNSUK-Oxford University Collaboration

We are very delighted to share this case study report prepared by the Common Cause Research Project, a consortium of research led by various institutions including the University of Bristol. Their study tries to understand the research partnership between a mainstream UK University/Inistution and ethnic minority communities. Centre for Nepal Studies and the University of Oxford carried out the Vernacular Religion Project (2009-13) in partnership, and this was among 19 case studies carried out by the Common Cause Research. This case study (in PDF, 1 MB) is available in the link provide. They have also produced a short video, which is posted separately. See link below CNSUK is grateful to Nepalis- individuals and institutions in the UK for their kind support to its mission of advancing knowledge.

Read a blog here.

Wath the video: Common Cause: Vernacular Religion

Download File :- Case study cover.jpg