CNSUK works for SSAFA Gurkha Support Project

CNSUK and the Armed Forces Charity, SSAFA have entered an agreement to evaluate SSAFA’s Gurkha Support Project (SGSP). Under this agreement the CNSUK will carry out comprehensive needs assessments of targeted groups of elderly Gurkhas, and and the final evaluation the SGSP.

This fixed term contract is for the period of 15 months, and will commence from 15 th July 2019 and end on 31 st September 2020. The services will have three components spread over different time and space between July 2019 and September 2020: (a) initial needs assessments (July-September 2019), (b) on-going follow up (October 2019-May 2020), and (c) final evaluation (June-September 2020).

CNSUK UK’s researchers will be working with the SGSP, interviewing its stakeholders including beneficies.

Details of the SSAFA’s Gurkha Support Project can be found here.